mysql> USE insite; 列出資料庫底下的資料表 mysql> SHOW TABLES FROM insite; |
mysql> CREATE TABLE UserList_IPSBypassHTTPS LIKE UserList;
mysql> INSERT UserList_IPSBypassHTTPS SELECT * FROM UserList;
mysql> DROP TABLE UserList_IPSBypassHTTPS;
alter table 資料表名稱 add column 欄位名稱 資料型態;
mysql> ALTER TABLE `UserList` ADD COLUMN `https_bypass` TINYINT(1) NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `mirror_downlink`;
update 資料表名稱 set 欄位1='值1',欄位2='值2',欄位3='值3',... 欄位N='值N'
where 條件式;
mysql> UPDATE UserList set https_bypass= '1' WHERE (service_ports='1280,1536') AND (dpid=10501 or dpid=10801 or dpid=11101);
mysql> SELECT * FROM UserList WHERE (service_ports='1280,1536') AND (dpid=10501 or dpid=10801 or dpid=11101);
select * from 資料表名稱 order by 欄位名 desc;
mysql> SELECT * FROM UserList WHERE (ip='') ORDER BY priority DESC;
mysql> SELECT * FROM UserList GROUP BY ip HAVING count(*)>1;
select distinct 欄位名 from 資料表名稱;
mysql> select distinct ip from UserList WHERE (dpid=10501 or dpid=10801 or dpid=11101);